Ceramic Veneers

Expect more from your smile in Albuquerque NM

You can upgrade your smile’s aesthetic in just moments with ceramic veneers. Dental veneers can improve the appearance of teeth that are stained, crooked or chipped. In addition, teeth veneers increase the strength and durability of the tooth.

Dental veneers are thin pieces of ceramic or composite that are bonded to the surface of a tooth or teeth. Ceramic veneers can make all types of changes to your smile, including but not limited to:

Creating a New Smile with Ceramic Veneers

The first step in creating a new smile with ceramic veneers is to communicate exactly what you don’t like about your smile as it is now. It’s a great idea to bring in pictures of smiles you do like, as a starting point for discussion. It’s possible to see how veneers would look on your teeth in one of several ways. A model of your teeth can be created over which wax “veneers” can be placed; sometimes acrylic (plastic) or tooth-colored filling material can be placed directly onto your teeth to demonstrate the effect veneers would have on them.

Once the plan has been agreed upon, your teeth will be prepared by removing a small amount of enamel, if this step is necessary. Molds of your teeth will be taken and used by a skilled dental laboratory to create your veneers, and you will receive a temporary set of veneers to wear during the few weeks it will take to create your permanent veneers. When the veneers come back from the lab, they will be cemented onto your teeth. The teeth veneers process is a comfortable one.

Caring for Your Veneers

Just like the teeth nature gave you, teeth restored with veneers need gentle brushing and flossing every day. This will remove dental plaque and ensure good gum tissue health around the veneers. Regular checkups at the dental office will remain as important as always to your oral and general health. And keep in mind that as tough as veneers are, they may not be able to withstand forces that come from using your teeth as tools (to open packages, for example) or biting into very hard foods like candy apples — which isn’t good for your natural teeth, either! And if you grind or clench your teeth at night, you might be advised to get a custom-made nightguard to protect your veneers — and your investment.

Dental veneers are a revolutionary advancement in the world of cosmetic dentistry. They have a longer life expectancy than dental bonding, and they are extremely stain-resistant. Ceramic veneers can do more than give you a superstar smile — they will protect your tooth surfaces from chipping and decay.